BITCOIN BLASTS OFF: Is This The End Of Boring Investments?

Bitcoin Blasts Off: Is This The End Of Boring Investments?

Bitcoin has blasted up 95.24% in the last 24 hours. That’s right, you read that correctly. Ninety-five point two four percent. That’s like going from a penny to a dollar in less than a day. Talk about a wild ride! Now, before you start jumping up and down with excitement, let’s take a closer look … Read more


Electric Vehicle ETF: 7 best in USA

Are you tired of feeling guilty every time you step into your gas-guzzling car? Do you want to invest in the future of transportation and make a profit while you’re at it? Well, look no further than electric vehicle ETFs! These funds allow you to invest in a diversified portfolio of companies that are leading … Read more



What is value investing, why is it a successful strategy in USA? Value investing is an investment strategy that involves purchasing stocks of companies that are undervalued by the market. This is typically done by looking for companies with strong fundamentals, such as a solid financial position and a history of profitability, that are currently … Read more

CASH FLOW vs CAPITAL GAINS 2023 : Best 4 US Stocks

Cash Flow vs Capital Gains

[ez-toc] Cash flow Cash flow refers to the amount of cash and cash equivalents that a company generates or uses in a given period, usually a quarter or a year. It is a measure of a company’s financial health and is helpful for assessing its ability to pay dividends, pay off debt, and fund growth. … Read more

4 BEST GROWTH STOCKS : Investing Ideas in USA

4 BEST GROWTH STOCKS : Investing Ideas in USA

Growth stocks are predicted to rise faster than the market. These businesses may be fast-growing or expanding. Investors pay a premium for growth companies because they expect great future profitability. Growth stocks generate bigger returns but are riskier than value stocks, which are shares of firms selling below their inherent value.

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MARKET CAPITALIZATION 2022 : The Best Performance Indicator

What is Market capitalization and why is it important. The types of market capitalization

Market Capitalization measures a company’s ability to generate value for its shareholders. The higher the Market Capitalization, the more valuable a company’s assets are to investors. A company with a high Market Capitalization is more likely to be worth more than one with a low Market Capitalization. A company’s Market Capitalization can be affected by many factors, including its revenue, profit, and net worth. To determine whether a company is in good condition and able to generate future value, it is important to look at all the factors involved in its Market Capitalization.

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